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Nature’s Remedy Announces Exclusive Thanksgiving and Black Friday Goodie Bag Events

Nature’s Remedy Announces Exclusive Thanksgiving and Black Friday Goodie Bag Events

Nature’s Remedy, the leading cannabis dispensary conveniently located in Ferndale, Michigan, just north of Detroit, cordially invites its loyal customer base to a special event providing an extra “thank you” this Thanksgiving season. On Thanksgiving Day this year, the first 100 customers who spend a minimum of $100 before tax and after any available discounts at Nature’s Remedy will receive an exclusive customer appreciation goodie bag.

Each goodie bag is an appreciation of the customers who have shown their loyalty and interest in the dispensary’s curated high-quality cannabis products and its unmatched customer service. Customers are advised that this offer is on a first-come, first-serve basis, ensuring that timely arrival will guarantee them a chance to walk away with these unique goodie bags. With only 100 goodie bags available, eager customers usually start lining up around 7 a.m., although the dispensary opens at 9 a.m.

Not only is Nature’s Remedy known for its vast range of premium cannabis selection, but it also offers an extensive suite of services, including free delivery with a minimum purchase starting at $40, unique loyalty programs, and a convenient mobile app providing all necessary information at the fingertip of the customers.

To keep the festive spirit going, Nature’s Remedy, in collaboration with Sensi Magazine, will be offering another 100 goodie bags on the following day, Black Friday. This will provide a second chance to those who missed out on Thanksgiving Day and add an extra dosage of thrill for those who made it on both days.

Emphasizing the role played by the loyal customers in the growth of Nature’s Remedy, COO Antonio Manju said, “We value our customers and these events are a testament to this. For those who support us, we give thanks by offering them a token of our appreciation.” With these two events, the Thanksgiving season promises to be exciting at Nature’s Remedy.

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